MetaTrader 5

MetaTrader 5 (MT5] is a next-generation forex trading platform that retains the familiar look and feel of MT4 while offering advanced features. With MT5, you can trade forex, commodities, and indices using a full set of flexible trading orders, all while having access to our liquidity providers' market depth. This allows you to see where the big orders are on the price ladder, so you can plan your trades accordingly.

MetaTrader 5 was designed to have broader applications in contract-for-difference (CFD], such as single stocks, futures and options trading.

MetaTrader 5 MetaTrader 4
Timefames 21 8
Technical Indicators 38 30
Graphical Objects 44 31
Types of pending order 6 4
Depth of Market Shown X
Economic Calendar X
Hedge X
Strategy Tester Multi-threaded, + Multi-currency, + Real ticks Single thread

BCR Trader Mac


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BCR Trader Android



Programming Language

MetaTrader 5 (MT5] uses a programming language called MQL5, which is different from the MQL4 language used in MetaTrader 4. One exciting aspect of MQL5 is that it allows for "black box" programming. This means that it is easier to program and will likely provide a better framework for users and developers of trading robots and other expert advisors.


MetaTrader 5 (MT5] has two key programming-related advantages over MetaTrader 4. Firstly, its backtesting functions, which allow you to test programmed trading strategies, execute at a much faster speed. This is a valuable feature for traders who need to run a large number of backtests, as it can save them a significant amount of time. Additionally, MT5 allows for simultaneous multi-currency pair backtesting. When combined, these features can expedite backtesting procedures immensely.

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Risk Disclosure: Trading Contracts for Difference on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. By trading Contracts for Difference, you could sustain a loss of all your deposited funds. BCR makes no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to on our website, emails, or related material(s]. The information contained on our website, emails, or related material(s] does not take into consideration prospective clients' trading objectives, financial situations, or investment needs. Before deciding to trade the Contracts for Difference offered by BCR, please ensure that you have read our Product Disclosure Statement Financial Services Guide Target Market Determination , and have sought independent professional financial advice to ensure you fully understand the risk involved before trading.

"BCR" is a registered business name of Bacera Co Pty Ltd, Australian Company Number 130 877 137, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 328794.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of any particular country outside of Australia and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
