As a wholesale client (BCR Pro] you will have access to higher leverage and other incentives not available to retail clients. However, you will lose some retail client protections such as negative balance protection and some AFCA protections may not apply to you. Risks and other important information are detailed in the Wholesale Client Disclosure Notice .

If you have any further questions regarding the Wholesale accounts, please contact us via online chat or email us at wholesale@au.thebcr.com .

Unlock our Pro services

Qualify for a BCR Pro Option 1 or Pro Option 2 account and you’ll unlock a range of features, including lower margins and volume based rebates (however certain investor protections are not available].

If you satisfy either of the below criteria, you may be eligible.

Option 1 – Wealth Threshold Application 1

An eligible client is someone who:

  • has net assets of at least A$2.5million 2
  • has a gross income for each of the last 2 financial years of A$250,000 3.

If the prospective BCR Pro client is to meet the Wealth Threshold Application requirements, then they must provide BCR with a certificate from a qualified accountant. The Certificate by a Qualified Accountant will be provided during the application process.

Options 2 – Sophisticated Investor Test 4

An eligible client is someone who can satisfy the requirements of one of the below three channels:

Channel 1 – Knowledge Test & Trade History

  • Demonstrate your product knowledge by completing our short, online Knowledge Quiz (90% pass mark];
  • Traded at least 75 trades5 with a firm for Margin FX, CFDs over Indices, Commodities, Currencies, Metals and Shares over the previous 12 months, or Traded at least 50 significant trades6 with a firm for Margin FX, CFDs over Indices, Commodities, Currencies, Metals and Shares over the previous 12 months;
1 Clients that qualify as being treated as wholesale clients pursuant to section 761G(7](c] of the Corporations Act 2001.
2 Accountants certificate – 2 year expiry
3 Accountants certificate – 2 year expiry
4 Clients that qualify as and agree to being treated as wholesale clients pursuant to section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001.
5 A trade means opening a position with a broker.
6 A significant trade means opening a position of A$25,000 notional size for CFD shares or A$50,000 for Margin FX, CFDs over Indices, Commodities, Currencies and Metals

Channel 2 – Relevant Work Experience

  • Work or have worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position which requires knowledge of leveraged derivative trading (and provide evidence of such employment position];

Channel 3 – Relevant Formal Qualifications

  • Possess formal qualifications relevant to the understanding of Margin FX, CFDs over indices, commodities, currencies, metals and shares. Post graduate qualifications are preferred (e.g. a course or major in Finance or Applied Finance].

If you have any further questions regarding the Wholesale accounts, please contact us via online chat or email us at wholesale@au.thebcr.com .


Please note, retail clients are afforded additional investor protections compared with wholesale clients.

Retail leverage restrictions - ASIC's proposed product intervention measures for CFDs will not apply to you; most significantly, the proposed leverage restrictions.

External dispute resolution - AFCA has discretion to exclude complaints from wholesale clients.

Disclosure documents - You will not receive a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS] or Financial Services Guide (FSG].

Client Money - If you are a wholesale client, then we will continue to segregate your money and assets in the same way as before in accordance with the client money provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth].

Negative Balance Protection - As a wholesale client you may be eligible for a single negative balance protection of up to AUD$10,000 of your total balance, which is the combined balance of all trading accounts after all open trades have been closed. BCR reserves the right to not grant negative balance protection in cases where there is reasonable evidence, in our sole determination, of misconduct or trading abuse causing the negative balance to occur. Where this is the case, BCR will provide reasons to you as to why negative balance protection has not been applied.

Margin Close-out - BCR will close out your position(s] if your equity falls below 50% of the required margin.

Leverage Settings - The leverage on your BCR Pro account will be automatically adjusted based on your Account Equity. See below table for more specific information. BCR will not be responsible if your Pro account’s positions are automatically closed out due do a change in the account’s leverage.

Below $50,000 1:400
$50,001– $100,000 1:200
$100,001- $200,000 1:100
$200,001 – $300,000 1:50
$300,0001– $500,000 1:25
$500,001 - $1,000,000 1:20
$1,000,001 or more 1:10

Margin Use

The leverage on your BCR Pro account will be automatically adjusted based on your Used Margin. See below table for more specific information. BCR will not be responsible if your Pro account’s positions are automatically closed out due do a change in the account’s leverage.

Below $50,000 1:400
$50,001 – $200,000 1:100
$200,001 or more 1:50



USED MARGIN = $100,000

Applicable Margin = 1:25

BCR’s Discretion

Even if you meet wholesale client requirements, in some circumstances, we may still choose to not grant you wholesale status.

Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy

2024 © - All Rights Reserved by Bacera Co Pty Ltd

Risk Disclosure: Trading Contracts for Difference on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. By trading Contracts for Difference, you could sustain a loss of all your deposited funds. BCR makes no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to on our website, emails, or related material(s]. The information contained on our website, emails, or related material(s] does not take into consideration prospective clients' trading objectives, financial situations, or investment needs. Before deciding to trade the Contracts for Difference offered by BCR, please ensure that you have read our Product Disclosure Statement Financial Services Guide Target Market Determination , and have sought independent professional financial advice to ensure you fully understand the risk involved before trading.

"BCR" is a registered business name of Bacera Co Pty Ltd, Australian Company Number 130 877 137, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 328794.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of any particular country outside of Australia and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
